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impressively good. so consistently funny & well written i’m almost jealous that i didn’t write it first lol. easily my favorite work by my favorite writer 


ridiculously good, had me both choking with laughter and somberly considering the human condition. even if explorations of ennui or dehumanizing jobs aren’t your cup of tea, every page in this novella is a laugh riot. the introductions of the supporting work cast alone are so memorable they have me snorting, days after i finished reading


Silly without being juvenile, dark without being edgy or mean-spirited, poignant without being emotionally manipulative. I've always been drawn to how Beany Tuesday's comics have a wonderfully distinct voice that feels "genuine" - the product of his creative style as opposed to some sort of forced gimmick I feel like a lot of artists employ (consciously or not) to try to mark themselves amongst the sea of noise of web comics. This voice carries over to his prose without missing a beat - you could remove the illustrations and release this anonymously and within a few pages I'd at the very least have a nagging hunch that this was in fact a Beany Tuesday work. I sincerely hope anyone on the fence gives it a shot, both from an altruistic angle of "I think you'll love it" and from a selfish angle of "I hope it motivates Beany Tuesday to write more".


Extremely funny, well-observed, and able to turn from uplifting to heartbreaking at any moment. Beany Tuesday has a real knack for introspection and illustrating the weird foibles and self-doubts underpinning human experience. The humour is sometimes silly, sometimes pitch-black, and some of these scenes are going to linger in my mind for a long time. Really damn good.


It's not an exaggeration to say Beany Tuesday is my favorite living author. His unique blend of humor, insight, and wit is something that’s wholly unique. I have yet to find another author who fully taps into the everyday absurdities of life quite like Beany.

I understand that this review may seem absurdly hyperbolic, but I don’t care. It’s extremely rare that I find something I enjoy as much as Beany’s writing, and I’m not going to hide that behind moderation in my word choice. This book is amazing.

If there’s any justice in this world, Beany will find success on par with the greats.  

dude I just finished this and feel the exact same way. I really hope other people check this out. 


Maybe it's just where I'm at in life, but I was surprised how much this book Got to me (emotionally). It's got all the witty, ~dark~, semi-absurd comedy you'd expect from Mr. Beany Tuesday, but a sincerity that comes to bite you when you least expect it that made it feel a little extra special. Plenty of lines that had me laughing out loud and screenshotting to show friends, but also the kind of story you just have to dive in to get the whole experience. I'm really glad I decided to read it.
